error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer if(s != "b"){

This is a common error in C++, and it's easy to get wrong. It's not just a matter of forgetting to use them != operator, but also of forgetting that there's a null pointer exception that can throw an exception anywhere in the program (and it will be caught by whoever called the function).

error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer [-fpermissive] if(s[i] !=

By ViperViper on Jul 05, 2020
if (response == 'Y')


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The reason for this is that pointers are not integers. You can't compare them directly with == or != operators; you have to compare them indirectly with some function that returns non-zero if it has more than one argument and zero otherwise. The standard library provides such functions for most types, but not for pointers.

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