How to make a scriptable object in Unity?

You can access your ScriptableObjects in any MonoBehaviour subclass by directly assigning a reference to the field. This will automatically call the setter methods defined on that object. A scriptable object is a method of an object that can be accessed through code. It is another way to add interactivity and scripting to your game.

unity createassetmenu

on Jan 01, 1970
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Data", menuName = "Inventory/List", order = 1)]
public class MyScriptableObjectClass : ScriptableObject {
    public string objectName = "New MyScriptableObject";
    public bool colorIsRandom = false;
    public Color thisColor = Color.white;
    public Vector3[] spawnPoints;

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You can access a scriptable object using the dot operator. This method allows you to access private variables within scripts or subclasses.

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