C# how to convert string to float Code Answer’s

The code given below will convert a string to a float, The first line of this code converts the string "5.682" to a double. The second line converts that double value to a float. If you try to convert a string to an integer, you'll get an error message because that doesn't work in C#.

c# string to float

By Exuberant EarthwormExuberant Earthworm on Mar 12, 2020
  class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string str1 = "5.682";
            string str2 = "4.137";
            float flt1 = float.Parse(str1);
            float flt2 = float.Parse(str2);
            Console.WriteLine(flt1 + flt2);

Source: www.csharpstar.com

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float to int c#

By Prickly PeacockPrickly Peacock on Apr 30, 2020

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c# string to float

By Grieving GazelleGrieving Gazelle on Oct 19, 2020
string s1 = "1.0"
float f1 = float.Parse(s1);

// Change the delimiter - (The default delimiter is based on your current CultureInfo)
var ci = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Clone();
ci.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = ",";

string s2 = "1,1";
float f2 = float.Parse(s2, ci);

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To convert a string to a floating-point number, you use the following Code that is given above:

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