Does div have onclick event react?

Yes, div element in JavaScript supports onclick event. And this native browser event is attached to the div element only and doesn't support any other element. The onclick event is not supported in HTML5 and hence the div tag has no onclick event. But this is perfectly normal as html5 has a completely revamped approach to javascript and hence how onclicks are managed with the document object model. 

javascript button

on Jan 01, 1970
<button onclick="Function()">Text</button>

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onclick THIS element

on Jan 01, 1970
<!DOCTYPE html>
//Note, this only works with a local script, it does not work if the HTML file
  //is linked to an external js file

<h1>HTML DOM Events</h1>
<h2>The onclick Event</h2>
<h3 onclick="myFunction(this, 'red')">Click me to change my text color.</h3>
<h3 onclick="myFunction(this, 'green')">Click me to change my text color.</h3>
<h3 onclick="myFunction(this, 'blue')">Click me to change my text color.</h3>
<h3 onclick="myFunction(this, 'purple')">Click me to change my text color.</h3>
function myFunction(element, color) { = color;


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In short, HTML5 is much smarter about managing events compared to earlier versions of html, therefore div has no onclick event.

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