"How you can take and use input in Javascript " Code Answer's

As you know, the development of user-friendly, interactive software It is an essential part of the field of computer science. In addition to this, a significant component of user interaction is the provision for users to enter information into a program. Now we will think and see how to work with the user input.

In order to query the user for input, we make use of the prompt method in JavaScript. We input the text that we want to display to the user as a parameter in our program.

So JavaScript is significantly faster than sending everything to the server to process, but you must be able to read user input and apply the proper syntax to operate with that information.

Whichever information that the user enters is often saved as a variable so that it may be used elsewhere in our software.

how to ask input in javascript

By MFahimMFahim on Jun 21, 2022
let name=prompt("What is your name?");
console.log("Hi "+name)

Notice: Undefined index: host in /home/codeprozone/public_html/question.php on line 286

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js get input from user

By MFahimMFahim on Jun 21, 2022
var name = prompt("Please enter your name", "Harry Potter");

Notice: Undefined index: host in /home/codeprozone/public_html/question.php on line 286

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how to get user input in javascript

By MFahimMFahim on Jun 21, 2022
var name = window.prompt("What is your name");
document.write("Hello " + name);

Notice: Undefined index: host in /home/codeprozone/public_html/question.php on line 286

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how to take input in javascript in coding

By MFahimMFahim on Jun 21, 2022
In JavaScript, we can get user input like this: 
var name = window.prompt("Enter your name: "); 
alert("Your name is " + name);

Notice: Undefined index: host in /home/codeprozone/public_html/question.php on line 286

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how to get a user input in js

By MFahimMFahim on Jun 21, 2022
Copyvar name = window.prompt("Enter your name: ");
alert("Your name is " + name);

Notice: Undefined index: host in /home/codeprozone/public_html/question.php on line 286

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user input in js

By MFahimMFahim on Jun 21, 2022
var username = prompt("What is your name?");

Notice: Undefined index: host in /home/codeprozone/public_html/question.php on line 286

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Now we can see. What about the other side when we wish to provide the computer with some information? How does it work? So nearly every programme you use on a regular basis will accept input from JavaScript and allow you to provide information to them in a variety of ways.

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