How to MySQL WHERE Clause: AND, OR, IN, NOT IN Query with Example

As you know the most command in MYSQL being used is SELECT, This command been used to stract the relevant information from database. As all of we know that all iformation from database not in need So, as per our requiremtn we extract all those infromation from our DB which we really need. For this purpose we need WHERE command to get relevant information from our Database. There are multiple operators with Where clause such as AND ,OR and NOT. Now, Let we dive into examples given below. 


sql select contem uma palavra

on Jan 01, 1970

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sql select where in

on Jan 01, 1970
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE country IN ('SPAIN', 'MEXICO');

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sql select where

on Jan 01, 1970
SELECT * FROM table_name;
-- Sorting col1 ASCending then col2 DESCending
SELECT col1, col2 FROM table_name ORDER BY col1 ASC, col2 DESC;
-- Filter on col1
SELECT col1, col2 FROM table_name WHERE col1 = 'a value';
-- Containing 'searched'
SELECT col1, col2 FROM table_name WHERE col1 LIKE '%searched%';
-- All different values
SELECT DISTINCT col1 FROM table_name;
-- Simple sum
SELECT col1, sum(col2) FROM table_name GROUP BY col1;

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sql select

on Jan 01, 1970

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on Jan 01, 1970
Sorting from dev_type names

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We have used the parenthesis to get the real result from the last nemes, So, if we need one or another than we use AND operator to get the age range. Finally we use AND to combine the age and name results from the DB. 


SQL answers related to "MySQL select from where multiple conditions"

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SQL queries related to "MySQL select from where multiple conditions"

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