update with inner join postgres

Usually the updating data of table is done by using other table values. But in this case by using PostgreSQL join syntex all the data of updating table will be updated. For joining other table FROM clause is used. By using Where clause joun condition can be accesed. The FROM clause appear after the set clause.

update with inner join postgres

on Jun 03, 2022
update xtable x 
set col1 = y.col1
from ytable y 
where y.x_id = x.id;

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mysql update with join

on Jun 03, 2022
SET T1.C2 = T2.C2, 
    T2.C3 = expr
WHERE condition

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sql join on wildcard

on Jun 03, 2022
select *
from tableA a join
     tableB b
     on a.id like '%' + b.id + '%';

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