How to create a new page in the Ionic command?

If you wanted to create a new page called "About" then you would just run ionic generate page About. Creating a new page in Ionic is a quick and easy process that can be completed using the Ionic command-line interface. This CLI tool allows developers to generate new pages and add them to their projects with just a few commands. In this blog post, we'll show you how to create a new page in your Ionic project using the CLI. Creating a new page in Ionic is quick and easy, and can be done using the "ionic generate" command. 

we'll take a look at how to create a new page in your Ionic app using the CLI (Command Line Interface). We'll also see how to add navigation between pages, and finally how to style our pages using CSS.


ionic create new page

on Jan 01, 1970
To generate a page:
	ionic generate page <name>
To generate a component:
	ionic generate component <component_name>
To generate a service or modal:
ionic generate service <modal_name>

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ionic cordova generate component

on Jan 01, 1970
ionic generate component contact/form

for more details of cli commands

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After reading this, you should have no trouble adding new pages to your own Ionics projects!

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