How to return the last element of a vector in Rust?

There are three options I will look at in this post. Option 1: mut_slice::as_mut_slice(). After seeing an example of this, I felt it was too complex to be worth using, so that was the first option I discarded. So, the question of how to return the last element of a vector has been asked a few times now. So, I wrote a quick example but at least it shows why you'd want to do it.

get length of vector rust

on Jan 01, 1970
let a = vec![1, 2, 3];
assert_eq!(a.len(), 3);

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find last element of vec rust

on Jan 01, 1970
let vec = vec![];
let last_element = vec.last().unwrap();

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Even though it works, it's not the best solution because it needs more code than needed to return a single value.

Rust answers related to "Rust vector last element"

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Rust queries related to "Rust vector last element"

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