"selenium challanges" Code Answer's

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selenium challanges

By OzzzyOzzzy on May 30, 2021
1----Sync issue
Sync issue or I would say timeout issue is one of the most challenging tasks in
any test automation tool. If we do not handle sync issue then most of the script
will fail. In one of the test survey, it as found that 80% of scripts fail due 
to improper sync while performing actions.
We can avoid this by using smart wait which is present in Selenium like
implicit wait, explicit wait, fluent wait 

2---Smart locators –locating elements
As we all know that locators are the core part of any scripting and We need to
keep on enhancing our XPath and CSS for script stability because if
XPath and CSS are not proper then it fails in upcoming releases.
We should always write dynamic or custom XPath or class which can make
our script more stable.

3-----Pop up handling
In many application, you will find random pop keeps coming and their behavior
is not persistence so we also have to take care of these unwanted pop up which
stops our execution.

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Whatever queries related to "selenium challanges"

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