"comparison keyword in sql" Code Answer's

You're definitely familiar with the best coding language SQL that developers use to develop their projects and they get all their queries like "comparison keyword in sql" answered properly. Developers are finding an appropriate answer about comparison keyword in sql related to the SQL coding language. By visiting this online portal developers get answers concerning SQL codes question like comparison keyword in sql. Enter your desired code related query in the search bar and get every piece of information about SQL code related question on comparison keyword in sql. 

comparison operators sql

By Obedient OcelotObedient Ocelot on Jan 27, 2021
(Between) operator same as  ">= <="
For example: 
Select * From Employees Where salary Between 4000 AND 6000;

(NOT) operator excluding given
For example:
Select last_name, job_id From Employees
Where "Not" job_id = 'ABC';

(IN) operator in sql like "OR" operator
For example: 
Select * From employees
Where department_id "IN" (60,90); 

(Like) Operator for partial searches using wildcard '%' and '_'
For Example:
Select * From Employees
Where last_name LIKE '_a%';

(Top N results)
Select * From Employees Where ROWNUM <=5;

(NVL) replaces NULL values with same type default
value provided.
For Example = 
Select NVL(commission_percentage, 0)
From Employees;

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comparison keyword in sql

By Obedient OcelotObedient Ocelot on Jan 27, 2021
(Between) operator same as  ">= <="
For example: 
Select * From Employees Where salary Between 4000 AND 6000;

(NOT) operator excluding given
For example:
Select last_name, job_id From Employees
Where "Not" job_id = 'ABC';

(IN) operator in sql like "OR" operator
For example: 
Select * From employees
Where department_id "IN" (60,90); 

(Like) Operator for partial searches using wildcard '%' and '_'
For Example:
Select * From Employees
Where last_name LIKE '_a%';

(Top N results)
Select * From Employees Where ROWNUM <=5;

(NVL) replaces NULL values with same type default
value provided.
For Example = 
Select NVL(commission_percentage, 0)
From Employees;

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SQL answers related to "comparison keyword in sql"

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SQL queries related to "comparison keyword in sql"

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