How to See Hidden Files on Your Mac?

There are many files on your Mac that are hidden. You cannot see them via default way. It is the files created by OS X and required by the system. But sometimes, you may want to see those files too. Here I will show you 2 ways to see hidden files on Mac OS X Mavericks.

To see hidden files on your Mac, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Finder, which is the default file explorer on macOS.
  2. In the menu bar at the top, click on "Go".
  3. While the drop-down menu is open, press and hold the "Option" key on your keyboard. This will reveal the "Library" option, which is normally hidden.
  4. Click on the "Library" option to open the Library folder.
  5. Inside the Library folder, you will be able to see various files and folders that are normally hidden.

Please note that modifying or deleting files in the Library folder without proper knowledge may cause issues with your applications or system. It's recommended to be cautious when working with hidden files and make sure you understand the purpose and potential consequences before making any changes.


mac hidden files shortcut

on Jun 07, 2023
Toggle hidden files on macOS: Command + Shift + .

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macos show hidden files in finder keyboard shortcut

on Jun 07, 2023
To show/hide press:
Command + Shift + .

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show hidden files mac

on Jun 07, 2023
Command + Shift + . (full stop/period)

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The command defaults might seem a bit strange at first, but play around with the settings here and you'll be able to show or hide any folder on your Mac.

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