"unity dictionary get value" Code Answer's

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unity dictionary get value

By SantinoSantino on Mar 01, 2021
 if (!haveMisionsAsigned && gameRecord.searchedArea == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < areaArray.Length; i++)
                if (gameRecord.availableAreas[areaArray[i]])
                    gameRecord.misionsAsigned.Add(misionController.AssignMision("Busqueda", areaArray[i]), areaArray[i].localizations[Random.Range(0,areaArray[i].localizations.Length)].transform);
        else if (!haveMisionsAsigned && gameRecord.searchedArea != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                gameRecord.misionsAsigned.Add(misionController.AssignMision(misionTypeArray[Random.Range(0, misionTypeArray.Length)], gameRecord.searchedArea), gameRecord.searchedArea.localizations[Random.Range(0,gameRecord.searchedArea.localizations.Length)].transform);
        if (!gameRecord.estaEnMarxaUnaMisio)
           //Get the mision info from dictionary (like mision.misiondescription) to add it in a funcionality of a button

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Whatever queries related to "unity dictionary get value"

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